We have been working on our bathroom for awhile now (I'm too embarrassed to say how long it actually is), and I finally feel like we are making some progress. We completely gutted the thing down to bare studs and sub floor so we had a lot of work to get it back usable.
This is what the tub walls looked like before. That's tape over a hole in the wall behind Quinn's head.
Bare studs and floor, but the tub is in and insulation is up.
Different view.
Drywall up, taped, mudded and sanded.
Needless to say, it's not done yet, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! The walls are up, taped, mudded, sanded and primed (sealed) and all they need is the real color and that's done. The tub/shower is in and working (has been for awhile) and all it needs is the new shower head on. Then we need the tile floor , medicine cabinet, vanity and toilet and we will be fully functional and done. With that bathroom - then we need to start the other one.
But, I've decided not to start that project until Quinn starts kindergarten in July. It's much easier to get things done when he isn't here! So, here are some pictures of our progress.
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