So here it is, another year and another school picture. Doesn't he look adorable! He really likes school this year and we just found out that he is on track to start kindergarten next year. His speech therapist says he's really smart and she is having to give him "way" more difficult stuff. This is really good news, since he was having so much trouble before starting school.
We also added a new family member. This one is the 4 legged variety and her name is Lola. She is a Boxer/Beagle/Pit Bull mix and a really good girl! We got her from the Humane Society and she's about one and a half years old. Isn't she cute too?!
Tonight is the ZZ Top concert and tomorrow Steve leaves for Talladega. Quinn and I will be sick of each other by the time he gets back!
Mom and Dad came over during Labor Day weekend and we went to the McCain-Palin rally. It was hot (really hot), but a lot of fun. We saw our preacher and his wife and she tooks some pictures, but I haven't gotten them yet. When I do get them I will post some of them - she actually got a picture of the 3 of us together!